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Corporate Weight Loss Programs For Healthier Workplaces

Good Health Matters In The Workplace

Revitalize Weight Loss & Wellness Center is a unique weight-loss and wellness program perfectly suited to integrate with your employee wellness offerings, and offer the support and tools needed to maximize your employees’ health.

Contact us if you’re an HR professional or organization looking to help your employees get and stay healthy. We offer corporate employee discounts on our customized, doctor-supervised, technology-driven weight loss programs. If you’re looking to: increase productivity, energize your team, boost morale, and lower employee health care expenses — re:vitalize has a proven system and track record of coming alongside employers and employees to help them achieve their weight loss goals and stay healthy.

Don’t waste your valuable time and business resources developing your own in-house wellness program – re:vitalize has you covered! At no additional cost to you as the employer, re:vitalize offers a TurnKey program that you can immediately implement with confidence and security as our certified staff guide your employees through their lifestyle changes.

Our program is doctor-supervised, meaning the cost can be covered with Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Savings Accounts. We are flexible to work out individualized plans and introductory lunch-and-learns to fit your workplace needs.

woman writing in notebook with vegetables on the table

Why Choose a Wellness Program for Your Employees?

A healthier workforce can lower insurance premiums, workers compensation claims, and lower indirect costs of workers absent due to illness (cdc.gov.2019).

Preventable chronic conditions make up 4 out of the 10 most costly health conditions leading to the rising cost of health insurance premiums and employee medical claims, which are at an all time high and continue to rise (cdc.gov.2019).

Preventable chronic conditions – high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, physical inactivity, and obesity – cost US employers $36.4 billion a year because of employee absenteeism and reduced worker productivity (cdc.gov.2019).

Contact us to learn more about our various Employer Wellness offerings — from employer-sponsored individualized weight loss & wellness programs to company-wide live wellness workshops, to keynote speaking with founders Dr. Noel Abood and Dan LeMoine.

re:vitalize has worked with large organizations like the Phoenix Suns to small teams to help build healthier, happier workplaces.

middle aged woman smiling on a city street

Why Offer A Weight Loss Program In The Workplace?

Research has shown there are numerous benefits to offering wellness support and weight-loss related programming to employees. Some of these benefits may include:

  • Increased productivity during working hours
  • Less brain fog, more energy overall
  • Fewer hours of missed work due to illness
  • Reduction in length extended leave due to surgery or sickness
  • Better mood and employee morale
  • Camaraderie/support for employees participating together
  • General feeling of increased well-being and emotional wellness
  • Reduced employer costs due to health care expenses over time

Contact re:vitalize

The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion, or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States.

While some of these costs may be preventive health care, it is safe to say the majority of costs associated with obesity related disease is reactive health care: trying to treat or fix what problems already exist. At re:vitalize weight loss, we aim to optimize health internally – and create an alkaline internal environment where your body and vitality can thrive — without the use of artificial hormones, additives, shakes, or pre-packaged meals.

If you are interested in investing in the overall health and wellbeing of your business and employees, we can offer a customized plan to fit your needs.

Schedule Your Consultation

FREE Weight Loss & Metabolic Repair BIOSCAN™
$499 Value, Offer extended through 3/31

Curious which foods & supplements are best for YOUR body for weight loss, wellness, & metabolic health? Get a FREE re:vitalize Weight Loss & Metabolic Health BioScan™ with your consultation! Your BioScan will show you which foods and micronutrients YOUR body specifically needs to lose weight and fix your metabolism. Use promo code “BIOSCAN” when booking.