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Emotional Health Self-Assessment for Weight Loss

Key Takeaways

  • Emotional health is linked very closely to weight, as unwanted weight can negatively impact your emotional and psychological well-being.
  • Performing an emotional health self-assessment can help you understand how much your weight is affecting your habits, self-perception, and confidence.
  • If you are struggling with your emotional health and well-being for weight-related reasons, you may benefit from a holistic weight loss program.
  • A holistic weight loss program focuses not only on maintaining a healthy weight but also on improving your mindset and lifestyle habits.

Although concerns about weight are often correlated with physical health, unwanted weight can also have a significant impact on your emotional and psychological well-being. Unwanted weight can contribute to a myriad of uncomfortable emotional health conditions, including a discouraged mood, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, poor sleep, and more.

Even worse, you might not even recognize just how much unwanted weight is taking a toll on your emotional health by controlling your day-to-day activities. You should never feel controlled by your weight or feel like it’s preventing you from doing the things you enjoy. Performing an emotional health assessment can give you an idea of your self-perception and whether you may benefit from some positive lifestyle changes.

Table of Contents

Emotional Health Self-Assessment Questions

Little habits can sometimes say a lot, and we often don’t realize just how much the little things can add up to impact our emotional health. Consider some of the following questions to get a gauge on how much your unwanted weight might be influencing your habits, adding to your mental stress, and taking a toll on your emotional health.

1. Do you try to avoid getting photographed?

When your weight is impacting your emotional health, it’s common to want to avoid being in photos for fear of how you will look. However, photographs are a way to capture moments you want to remember. Don’t let the opportunity to hang on to wonderful memories be overshadowed by low self-esteem.

Making changes to your lifestyle and shedding unwanted weight can help you feel more comfortable in your skin so you can enjoy being a part of those group get-together photos.

2. Do you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror?

Similar to the above question, being self-conscious about your looks when looking in the mirror can be a sign of body image issues and low self-esteem. Avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror is an indicator that you should take steps to improve your health as soon as possible because the constant avoidance can be emotionally draining.

You don’t deserve to have your mental and emotional health dragged down by a negative self-perception. Setting weight loss goals and taking steps to achieve them will even get you excited to look in the mirror as you watch your progress happen right before your eyes.

3. Do you blame “old age” on your lack of activity and low energy?

If you find yourself lacking energy and struggling to keep up with activity, age can be an easy factor to blame. However, low energy is often the symptom of another issue.

Yes, younger people generally do have a bit more energy, but age is not an excuse for living a sedentary lifestyle. Old age is often an easy scapegoat, and you might be surprised by what the body is capable of with the right fuel and support. Often, unwanted weight and an unhealthy diet are the far more likely culprits to blame for a lack of activity and low energy.

Eating nutritious foods, getting active, and shedding pounds can do wonders for your energy levels and allow you to leave the concept of “old age” behind you.

4. Do you think to yourself, “Well, at least I’m not the biggest person here,” when you enter a room?

No matter your weight, constantly comparing yourself to others is a recipe for discomfort and emotionally unhealthy thoughts. If you find yourself searching a room for others to compare yourself to, then it’s important to address this issue as soon as possible. A holistic weight loss program can help you enjoy lasting weight management and promote a mindset that helps you measure your success based on your forward progress rather than how you compare to others.

5. Do you find that you’re always adjusting your shirt around your midsection?

If you’re constantly adjusting your shirt throughout your day, it’s a sign that you’re self-conscious of how you look or that your clothes don’t fit right. At a certain point, adjusting your shirt can be an unconscious response, but deep down, it can take a psychological toll and leave you stressed about how you look.

Pursuing weight loss can leave you feeling more confident and less concerned about where your shirt sits so you can free yourself from an uncomfortable burden and redirect that mental energy elsewhere.

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6. Do you feel like you need a nap after basic activities such as walking?

If you get easily tired after simple tasks like walking or basic household chores like cleaning or gardening, your weight might be playing a factor. This dip in energy can also be discouraging, taking a toll on your emotional health when you realize you’re not able to accomplish as much as you hope on a daily basis. A lack of energy to handle basic activities can be a sign of an unhealthy metabolism.

A lifestyle change that helps you shed pounds and incorporate more nutrient-dense whole foods into your diet can promote metabolic repair and leave you feeling more energized so you’re more empowered to tackle your daily goals and maintain your emotional health.

7. Do you have trouble bending over to tie your shoes?

Having difficulty bending over to tie your shoes is a common sign that you are overweight and could benefit from making a lifestyle change and implementing healthier day-to-day choices. With just a little commitment to setting weight loss goals, you can feel more comfortable handling your daily tasks. Feeling more capable of managing daily tasks like bending over to tie your shoes can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional health.

8. Do you get short of breath going up stairs?

Walking up a long flight of stairs can put the average person out of breath. However, walking up an average flight of stairs, like in a house or apartment building, shouldn’t leave you feeling short of breath. Experiencing shortness of breath at simple tasks like going upstairs can make it difficult to navigate your day-to-day activities and make you feel limited in your hobbies or on fun vacations.

Becoming short of breath from going up flights of stairs or walking a short distance will quickly harm your morale. However, lifestyle changes that include eating better and incorporating more physical activity will leave you feeling more energized and more capable as you approach a flight of stairs or long walk.

9. Do you feel joint pain as you move around in the morning?

Excess weight adds extra stress to your joints. Joint pain can happen to anyone due to aging, osteoarthritis, or previous injury. However, being overweight can exacerbate these conditions or leave you feeling more tired in the joints. Joint pain is not only uncomfortable, but it’s also extremely limiting and can prevent you from doing your favorite daily activities and even necessary chores.

Getting closer to your ideal weight can take stress off your joints and make you feel more comfortable moving around throughout the day, improving your mental and emotional health in the process.

10. Are your hands or feet swollen at the end of the day?

Being overweight can cause your hands and feet to swell throughout the day—this is often the result of poor circulation allowing fluids to build up in the tissue. Making a lifestyle change that includes eating nutritious foods full of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients will help you take charge of your weight and improve your heart health and circulation.

Start Making a Change in Your Lifestyle with re:vitalize

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then it’s likely time to make a lifestyle change. Unwanted weight can be a significant and unnecessary burden on your emotional health, but it doesn’t have to be. You’re not alone if any of these questions resonate with you, but don’t allow your weight to hold you back from experiencing all that life has to offer. 

At re:vitalize, we’re committed to helping you feel your best with our holistic weight loss programs. With the help of our BioScan technology and a team of expert health coaches and board-certified nutritionists, we help you incorporate more healthy foods into your diet and make healthy lifestyle choices for sustained weight loss and a boost in your emotional health. Most of all, we guarantee results.

Using our unique BioScan™ technology and our metabolic age analysis, we’ll measure your unique biomarkers to identify the nutrients optimal for your body to promote your weight loss success. We also offer virtual weight loss programs and a flexible lifestyle program to make lasting lifestyle changes even more accessible.

For more guidance on how to take charge of your weight loss journey, get the #1 best-selling book Fear No Food by re:vitalize’s Dan LeMoine and Dr. Noel Abood for invaluable tips and tricks.

Schedule a one-on-one consultation with our team today to start your journey to lasting weight loss success and improved emotional health.

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For the month of October, we are offering a free consultation plus your first two months of coaching free ($500 value).

Dan Lemoine

Meet the Author Dan LeMoine

Dan is passionate about helping others get healthy and reclaim their best lives. In addition to serving as re:vitalize’s CEO, Dan is a certified holistic nutritionist, with board certifications from both The American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board. He and Dr. Abood co-authored their book, Fear No Food, which became an Amazon #1 Best Seller and #1 New Release. Dan’s thought leadership on weight loss, nutrition, and metabolic health has been featured in various outlets like Fox News, Delish.com, 247Health, Prevention, MSN, and Sports Illustrated. Originally from Ohio, Dan and his wife Danae (also a nutritionist and co-founder of re:vitalize) moved to Phoenix in 2017 to open re:vitalize’s Arizona locations.
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